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New Way of Making Quick Gold

Jan 24, 2020
Recently, I've discovered a new way of making gold. There are only two requriements for this method: Space in your shared bank, and an empty character slot.
When you create a new character you start out with a wand that is called the "Wand of the Seven Schools" or something like that. This wand sells for around 1300 gold at the bazaar. 1300 gold. You see where this is going right?
Step 1: Create a new character of any school.
Step 2: Put a waypoint in Merle Ambrose's office.
Step 3: Talk to Merle Ambrose and get tp'd to Unicorn Way.
Step 4: Tp back to Merle Ambrose's office, and go to Ravenwood.
Step 5: Enter your dorm and put the Wand of the Seven Schools into your shared bank.
Step 6: Delete the character

Step 7: Repeat steps 1 - 6 until you have as many wands as you want.
Step 8: Go to the character you want gold on, withdraw all of the wands from the shared bank and sell them all at the bazaar.
This is how I got my permanent mount, hopefully it can help you get what you want.

Mar 16, 2012
TheShatterer on Feb 12, 2020 wrote:
Recently, I've discovered a new way of making gold. There are only two requriements for this method: Space in your shared bank, and an empty character slot.
When you create a new character you start out with a wand that is called the "Wand of the Seven Schools" or something like that. This wand sells for around 1300 gold at the bazaar. 1300 gold. You see where this is going right?
Step 1: Create a new character of any school.
Step 2: Put a waypoint in Merle Ambrose's office.
Step 3: Talk to Merle Ambrose and get tp'd to Unicorn Way.
Step 4: Tp back to Merle Ambrose's office, and go to Ravenwood.
Step 5: Enter your dorm and put the Wand of the Seven Schools into your shared bank.
Step 6: Delete the character

Step 7: Repeat steps 1 - 6 until you have as many wands as you want.
Step 8: Go to the character you want gold on, withdraw all of the wands from the shared bank and sell them all at the bazaar.
This is how I got my permanent mount, hopefully it can help you get what you want.
And when everybody does this, there will be a glut in the bazaar and the price goes down. I got my permanent mount ( gold ) by doing Daily and farming.

Dec 10, 2011
TBH once I hit 30 I never have an issue with gold. You farm for olympus gear and go until 56/60 and craft the wintertusk gear or get waterworks (or both, your choice). But by the time you have olympus gear, everything you get is just sell loot. I also have a garden of king parsley, couch potatoes, and evil magma peas. This is just an alternate method I can make gold.

I also HIGHLY recommend doing fishing asap and every time you level. Selling fish is a great method and you can get around 1000 gold from treasure chests and sell able items.