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Suggestion:Rework or Remove Chat Filter Completely

Jun 26, 2011
My suggestion is to rework the chat filter completely, or even remove it as a whole. The filter is horribly designed and often makes communication difficult between group members. Many things like numbers are not allowed for some reason, and in a game like this, numbers are very important for things like coordinating times. Very few to no other games even have chat filters anymore and although I understand Kingsisle wants to make the game safer for the younger children, the chat filter given doesn't even work for that. Players of the game have found ways to circumvent the filter with many words that could be considered very vulgar.

May 17, 2014
Agree whole-heartedly. While i agree curse words should still be completely banned, i think the concept of open chat just needs to go away. it makes team play so much harder

Dec 13, 2008
im honestly 150% on board with this but the sad fact is that someone is gonna end up coming in here like all the other suggestions for this and say "sorry they cant do this because of a law that protects children" and itll be another post left unlistened because of another downer i feel like in all honesty that there should be something done here like with what runescape did like allow us to say stuff but still keep swearing or any form of cuss words in the red but still not mute for 10 years thats an unbelieveably excessive punishment a month at most is what people need theres never any reason to mute someone that long a person may as well quit because i dont forsee this game with all the bad choices marketing is making right now lasting beyond the 4th arc unless something drastically changes persay actually putting out commercials not on websites but on tv/phone ads and youtube because thats where a lot of people are

sorry if im ranting i've just seen good posts like this and theres always that one person thats gonna just say its not gonna happen even though it honestly should..

Oct 12, 2017
Get open chat lol simple.

Jun 26, 2011
The Storm King on Aug 5, 2019 wrote:
Get open chat lol simple.
It's not possible for some people to get open chat. If you set your account age to under 13 when you registered for the game, Kingsisle will never hold onto your age because of COPPA and so you can never obtain open chat perms.

Oct 12, 2017
The Greatest One on Aug 7, 2019 wrote:
It's not possible for some people to get open chat. If you set your account age to under 13 when you registered for the game, Kingsisle will never hold onto your age because of COPPA and so you can never obtain open chat perms.
But they did say “with your parents permission “ it’s possible to try to get open chat, im not exactly sure what needs to be done to do that, or when you turn 18 yourself