Quite often, when an enemy's head is above the top of the display window, their damage is either cut off or not displayed at all. Why not lower where the damage score appears on the enemy so that it is always visible, no matter how tall the enemy may be?
Quite often, when an enemy's head is above the top of the display window, their damage is either cut off or not displayed at all. Why not lower where the damage score appears on the enemy so that it is always visible, no matter how tall the enemy may be?
There have been so many times when I'm wanting to enjoy seeing the damage only for it to be off the screen! I'd love it if the camera angle was adjusted for these taller enemies
YES I noticed that! BTW Victoria, I am wondering if you can add me on Wizard if you dont mind, i saw some of your posts about plants and would like if you could help me out. I appreciate your response. Thanks
YES I noticed that! BTW Victoria, I am wondering if you can add me on Wizard if you dont mind, i saw some of your posts about plants and would like if you could help me out. I appreciate your response. Thanks
Of course
Let me know your wizard name and usual playing time (include time zone please) and I'll let you know when I can meet you when you're usually online
Thank you so much, I'm usually on morning and afternoons, but can be on evenings sometimes, let me know if your on now or later today my wiz name is Hunter Ashflame. Thanks