We have 3 Characters that needs to defeat the lame Rat Balance, Life and Death I play two accounts which is Balance and Life while my wife has the death character, every video and guide been using storm which is very annoying because I don't see people beating it with other school besides storm PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE need someone whom has farmed the cheating rat to help us move forward it has been a year and none of the guides to the Rat has been helpful or accurate.
My husband and I would be glad to help you beat the Rat. If you are free Sunday afternoon the 24th around 4pm central time, we can meet you at the Horizon Hold sigal, imp realm.
Sorry the message was received too late is there another time and date? we tried blading up the life character and the rat and minion kept attacking the life character the whole time and killed him off. This cheat is so unfair because we managed to take 20k off before they killed off the life character.
yes that will work since it will be 3pm our time which is MST time I have two accounts and my wife has 1 account I play balance and life and my wife plays the death character thank you so much.