I'm not very picky, just looking for a possibility of getting a deer knight card from it.
Ok, knowing that is really important! You really need to hatch with one that has the deer knight card manifested as a talent. There are A LOT of deer knight pets out there that have been hatched so much they no longer have that talent in their pool, making it impossible for you to get it if you hatch with them! Unfortunately mine is one of them, he doesn't have the talent in pool (none of my pets do).
I'll keep my eyes open and let you know if I see the talent manifested on anything in the kiosk (obviously I'll note down all the pet's details so you can find it too). I definitely recommend hatching with something that definitely has the talent - the only way to be 100% sure is if it is manifested and it will also give a better chance of it passing to your pet
Sorry I can't be of more use, but I hope this is still somewhat helpful! When asking for it, it might be worth mentioning the talent (The Deer Knight Rises).
I was able to get 2 pets ... one for my Fire and one for my Myth with the talent I wanted by hatching with a target pet 3 times. It might take more than that. Eventually, the hatched pet picks up most of the traits of the target pet. I was going for the level 84 Aura spells Furnace and Reliquary. It took 3 hatchs to get a pet with that trait.