it would be extremely difficult, get a life wizard to stack guiding lights on you, get outgoing healing gear and pet, lots of tc, and a friend with a lot of incoming healing.
There is actually an easy way to get it. While I've never done this myself, because I dont want this badge like I wanted the 1 million hit, I have heard you can get BOTH badges (one million hit and one million heal) at the same time. What you have to do is go to somebody's house with a PVP ring. Summon a minion, have your friend trap the minion while you blade up. Use the Death minion spell Steal Health. The reason this works is because you do damage to the minion which is boosted by your blades and the minion's traps. As long as you hit for 1,000,000, you'll also heal for 1,000,000 health.
I got this on my Myth in a bit of a different way. Do a pvp match against a friend (preferably Death) and summon Talos, who takes more damage from Death as opposed to your other minions. Have your friend stack traps on Talos while you blade yourself. Having another Death friend on your side helps with this. Continue until you have enough buffs to use a d Drain Health TC to steal a million health. If you haven't gotten One in a Million yet, you can get that at the same time.