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Question on deleting Characters.

May 28, 2011
So i have been wondering this for awhile. I have had a lot of former characters on my account but there was this one i was very fond of. I transferred him a lot of unique items and mounts. Well one day after i took a break from wiz i came back and forgot all about that character. So i naturally deleted him as i wanted to try out life game play, not realizing i forgot to transfer those items back. So my question is, what happened to those items? Are they permanently deleted, or somewhere i'm just not seeing.

Blaine ThunderHammer, 125 .

Jun 04, 2009
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure all those items are gone. Unless you moved them to your shared bank and forgot about it, anything in their inventory, house, bank, and attic would've been deleted alongside the wizard.

It may be worth an email to KI Support depending on what it was and how valuable, if you explain everything clearly and are detailed. Just don't get your hopes up, they may just point to the warning everyone gets when deleting a character.

Jun 06, 2014
I searched and received a forum about the same situation back in 2010, quoted by Prospector Zeke,

"Characters that have been deleted in the last 30 days can be restored, but you must make a request to Mr Lincoln through email at support@wizard101.com

When you contact Mr Lincoln for a character restore, please include the following information in your email.
1. Account name
2. Character name to be restored.
3. School of Focus of character to be restored.
4. Approximate level of character to be restored (if you recall)

You must have space for a Wizard to be placed - if you have 6 characters now, we will NOT be able to restore a deleted Wizard."

Im pretty positive it should restore the items as well right? It wouldnt make sense having restored a character but losing all your items, if I remember, only the friends are lost, but im not too sure.

Aug 03, 2014
danny555999 on Jul 23, 2018 wrote:
I searched and received a forum about the same situation back in 2010, quoted by Prospector Zeke,

"Characters that have been deleted in the last 30 days can be restored, but you must make a request to Mr Lincoln through email at support@wizard101.com

When you contact Mr Lincoln for a character restore, please include the following information in your email.
1. Account name
2. Character name to be restored.
3. School of Focus of character to be restored.
4. Approximate level of character to be restored (if you recall)

You must have space for a Wizard to be placed - if you have 6 characters now, we will NOT be able to restore a deleted Wizard."

Im pretty positive it should restore the items as well right? It wouldnt make sense having restored a character but losing all your items, if I remember, only the friends are lost, but im not too sure.
Just a note, the email has changed since then and is now: help@kingsisle.com

To be sure you're contacting KI directly and that they receive your request you can contact support by logging into wizard101.com and going to support. That's directly linked to your accounts and they'll email you at whatever email address you have linked to your account. I've always done it through the website and never had any problem with them getting my messages

When a wizard is restored everything on that wizard will be there. The only thing they lose is their friend list, which will be empty. Everything else will be intact though and exactly where they were when you deleted him.

Good luck and I hope you're in time for them restoring him!

May 28, 2011
Thank you to all who responded, but unfortunately i deleted my storm awhile ago. The only things i can remember being of value is a mount from a bundle alongside some pets and a couple pieces of gear. At least now i'll know to transfer all of my items before deleting a character. Thanks again,

Blaine ThunderHammer, 125 .

Aug 03, 2014
blainethunderhamme... on Jul 25, 2018 wrote:
Thank you to all who responded, but unfortunately i deleted my storm awhile ago. The only things i can remember being of value is a mount from a bundle alongside some pets and a couple pieces of gear. At least now i'll know to transfer all of my items before deleting a character. Thanks again,

Blaine ThunderHammer, 125 .
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that!

Jul 01, 2015
They must be somewhere in the Spiral............

Jul 01, 2015
I think you should NEVER delete a character i mean why do that?