Mine is the Shard Horder. He resides in dragonspyre in a cave of crystals. You walk in and you see 3 wizards chained together with pickaxes. The first one talks saying “A Wizard!” Than something that looks like a specter of the broken appears and says “Come to take my slav- er- volunteers, yes volunteers, away from me? Leave me be! Actually, I could use another hand around here” “No? Well I’ll just destroy you than! Hahahehoha-(clears throat)” “ugh. Anyway, come here! The Shard Horder is a boss rank 5.
I really like the chef oni idea. It’s new and out of the unique
I think there should be a skeleton key boss that is actually a skeleton key with baby skeleton key babies for minions...and all of them should include skeleton keys in their drop table, special item 'bunch of keys' as ridiculously rare drop from the boss
Conversation: ~ Where should I farm for skeleton keys? ~ Farm 'Four Skeleton Keys' ~ Yeah, who should I farm for skeleton keys? ~ Farm 'Four Skeleton Keys' ~ Yes, but who should I farm? ~ FOUR SKELETON KEYS ~ Nvm...I'll ask someone else...
Though returning villains is kind of a "thing" that happens a lot in Wizard101, I'd love to see a return of Lord Nightshade, some sort of super designed and powerful looking Wraith! Always thought wraiths in Wizard101 looked so cool, it would be the best thing ever to face the first powerful villain that all wizards had once defeated! Maybe add a little back story as to how and why he came back, and possibly add a new super-super rare skeleton-key that you must have to enter his hideout and fight him, an Ebony Skeleton Key maybe? Maybe an Obsidian Skeleton Key, something dark and along the lines of the lurking undead.