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Cronus: Hades Staff Drop Rate Bug?

Sep 30, 2010
Hey there fellow wizards,

So I started farming Cronus yesterday, which involved 15 or so runs. My goal was to get the athame (Blade of the Felled Titan) and fire staff (Hades' Flamemaker). On the first run, I got the athame, which made me happy. Then after 15 runs or so, I still had yet to receive the staff, which is weird, because literally every player that I was fighting with, got their respective school staff. Some got it once, while others got it as much as 3 times during our runs.

Throughout the day today, I did another 15 runs or so, and still the results prevail...

I cannot tell if this is pure unluckiness or that there is a bug.


Jan 18, 2010
It's not a bug, Cronus does actually drop the staff (Hades' Flamemaker) you're after, just keep being persistent.

Good Luck!

I've to farm him too, so, you won't be the only one facing upcoming disappointments I: