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Wizard tour quest

Jun 18, 2009
The quest gives me no information about where to go or what to do. I have tried to open the obsidian chests in the haunted cave and on collosus boulevard but when I go near them there is no icon to click X to open like usual. I haven't heard any issues with this quest so I'm not sure if the quest is supposed to be like this where I have to go to every dungeon to find the right one. I'm currently level 57 and have been unable to finish dragonspyre and move on to Celestia because of this. I've been just doing side quests. I just finished the story line of wintertusk so I can't really do anything else except the remaining side quests I haven't done yet which are mainly hunting the history books and finding things for Zeke. Any help would be appreciated.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
For the obsidian chest quest, you go back and visit old boss battles from long ago. There used to be more to find, but now they've reduced it a lot. So, here's what you do:

Select that quest and equip it in your log. Follow the arrow to an old instance where a boss you fought a long time ago is hiding the chest. After the boss is killed, go over to the spiky-looking chest that will be sitting somewhere along the back wall. Click on it.

Even if the interactive box with an X doesn't pop up for you, click X anyway. There's a bug that causes it not to appear sometimes, but it is still working. After you hit the X button when you're standing next to the chest, you should hear the success horn and then be able to move on to the next chest.

If you still have a lot of trouble with this quest, you can open a ticket to KI support and they will help you. Click on the "Help?" icon in the upper right corner of this page.

Good luck!

Alia Misthaven