I know this may cause an uproar, but I'm asking about your favorite school. Not necessarily best, but favorite. Personally, I think storm is really good, but only if you can get items that give good accuracy. My favorite though, is balance. Surprisingly, I'm an ice wizard. Exited to see your answers. Hunter NightTheif 53
Personally my favorite is storm or death. My first wizard was fire, but never played on it only got to Marleybone then I got bored with being fire. So I made my first storm. Storm is really difficult at first then it gets easier around Dragonspyre because you get high damage spells and accuracy gear and jewels. After Dragonspyre things get better with the storm school because you can so much good gear. My storm is my highest level so I can't really say anything about other schools.
Storm Tips: Storm has low accuracy so you may want to get an accuracy talent on your pet or wait for WaterWorks. WaterWorks takes forever to farm but, it gives so much accuracy.
With death I only just made mine, but it is a pretty good soloing school. you can do damage and heal yourself at the same time. Again I just made mine so I don't really know much about the school itself.
In terms of favoring: I like Ice the best. Not just because I got the on my school test. I like ice because it's almost essential to the game. (In terms of their spells) For example it is the core of PvP: Ice school can teach you the tower shield, stun shield, glacier shield, stun. Every PvP match will probably have one of those spells that I just mentioned.
In terms of gameplay strategy: I like storm. Sure, players have horrible accuracy at first, but later in the game accuracy doesn't even matter anymore. (Well kind of)
Bonus: Shout out to Life, it's dangerous if you have the right spells/materials
I think storm is the best school.But i certainly would not recommend storm for someone who is just starting the game. Storm has really low accuracy and it is so annoying till krok or even marleybone.But after getting some accuracy boosts, Storm should be perfect. I think Storm paired up with life as a secondary school is great bcuz you can get satyr at 26 and sprite at 10.
Best all around school, in my opinion, is Fire. It is easy to solo, hits hard, has plenty of options for getting around shields, and Fire does really well in PVP.
Beyond that, here are some interesting ways to break down the various schools and the ways they can play:
Best schools for soloing are Fire, Ice, Life and Death.
Best schools for supporting others are Balance, Life, Ice and Death.
Best schools for hitting hard are Storm, Fire, Myth and Life.
Best schools for effective mastery of a second school are Balance and Death. (They have universal blades and/or traps.)
Best schools for complicated game play and strategy are Myth, Death, Balance and Ice. (These are schools with the most tricks up their sleeves!)
Best schools for a challenging beginning are Storm, Ice, and Life. (These schools are difficult to master in the earlier part of the game, but each becomes easier and much more powerful later on.)
Best schools for an easy beginning and huge challenges later on are Balance, Myth and Death. (Myth has few AoE attacks and their minions become a problem. Death and Balance suffer from low base damage & universal buffs that make it tough to remove shields and weaknesses.)
Best schools for minion choices are Myth, Balance, and Death. (Death has one minion, but it's an x-pip so you actually have a dozen minions to choose from!)
Best schools for PVP are Balance, Ice and Fire. (Though they take turns being number one, these schools always seem to land in the top three spots.)
No school is superior to the others. It's how you play it right.
Each school has it's advantages and disadvantages.
Storm: Yes storm is powerful and you don't need many blades or traps to do good damage since you critical pretty easy BUT in terms of the gear, the health is pretty low, iv'e seen many max storm wizards with 3-4 thousand health when the average max wizard has 5-7 health (depending your school ofcourse)
Ice: Ice has an INSANE amount of health, we are talking about 8-9 thousand health. As terms for combat, especially PVP, Ice can stun and tower shield often and their health is pretty impressive so unless you have a lot of pierce, good luck defeating an ice wizard xD.
Fire: Ah yes, the school that stacks traps for really hard traps (like omen). Fire wizards tend to be really powerfull on it's own. They can back draft, and add about a million more traps to defeat you in PVP.
Myth: Myth isn't too powerful or too weak. Being a myth wizard myself, I have a pretty basic attack plan but in terms of cards, some are really helpfull. Shatter is super helpful and crucial if you are farming hard bosses, they also have earthquake (which is really annoying) to which they tend to spam in PVP *rolls eyes*.
Death: This school has a lot of health too but the reason it's so good is because ti takes damage from your enemy and heals themselves which is really usefull (for example: your halfway in a dungeon, you use scarecrow, you killt he minions and heal yourself, instead of wasting a potion for full health, you are already healed and thus, you are ready to move on)
Life: Ah Life. This school is crucial to have as your ally, if your fighting those hard bosses, not to worry! a life will always be there to heal you, on the other hand, it is a very hard school to solo on, especially because there is no low life AoE *winks*.
Balance: Unfortunately this school has no prisms yet, which is also a hard school to solo in but they are really good at PVP.
I have Benn getting a lot of facts, but thats not what I asked. I want, what is in your opinion, the best school. the only facts I should see are the ones you use to back up your opinion.
I have Benn getting a lot of facts, but thats not what I asked. I want, what is in your opinion, the best school. the only facts I should see are the ones you use to back up your opinion.
I gave you my "opinion" right here, in the very first line of my post:
"Best all around school, in my opinion, is Fire."
Then I gave you the reason why I think it's the best: "It is easy to solo, hits hard, has plenty of options for getting around shields, and Fire does really well in PVP."
Other people have also given you their opinions, even if they haven't explicitly stated it was an opinion. There is no "best school" in any objective sense. There are plenty of facts about what a school can or cannot do, but the moment anyone tries to state that one set of skills is 'better' or more preferred than another, that's where opinion comes in. Any time you are using the word "best" in a comparative sense, it's always an opinion.
Myth is great at a higher level. They become on par in terms of damage with death and close to fire. I regretted choosing myth during zafaria but now in Mirage its ok. Decent damage, good accuracy and a little low health
i believe either death or storm are the best schools (at least in soloing) because with death you're able to hit good damage and heal simultaneously and storm is just generally good with hitting extremely high in a short amount of time (but you just need to be careful on health!) another school i might also recommend for soloing is fire because they can also support themselves really well too !!
Here's a list of my favorite schools to least favorite:
1. Balance The name of the school speaks for itself. It can be very annoying sometimes, but it's hands down my favorite. You get every school blade and traps, you get neutral blades and traps. You can get some decent heals from it. It's my all time go to school. 2. Storm High damage. Great gear once you get to a higher level. 3. Death You can do some super high damage and heal yourself within one spell. 4. Fire It has a lot of hit all enemies spells that can do some great damage. 5. Life Heals. Nuff said. 6. Myth Kind of a boring school for me at least. I deleted my myth character when she was level 8 because I personally didn't like the school. 7. Ice The only thing I like about ice school is the tower shields. That's it. Low damage. Gear isn't great. My least favorite school in my opinion.
I think that balance will always be my favorite school. Even though at first it was kinda tough at first (probably cause I was really young when I started playing..) I soon enough found myself making great use of the school! While some might believe balance only really shines in team play, I think that the school not only shines in a team, but does great on its own, being able to turn into whatever role it needs, like a hitter, a healer, a tank... all in one!
Balance is my favourite school because it does a bit of everything, hence the name. You get loads of blades and traps, a few hit all enemies spells, and a handful of healing spells Storm is my second favourite, the only problem is the accuracy which can be really annoying sometimes. You can also get amazing gear. My third favourite is either Death or Fire. Fire has a lot of hit all enemies spells which are very powerful, and Death has a lot of powerful spells which at the same time heal you.
Ok, so I have a level 35 and 27 that I am working and playing with at the moment and I have been thinking to start a new wizard, but from all the posts I have read I think or would b good choices, but I really don't know, so can somthing help me out in this area and share your opinions on and .
Best all around school, in my opinion, is Fire. It is easy to solo, hits hard, has plenty of options for getting around shields, and Fire does really well in PVP.
Beyond that, here are some interesting ways to break down the various schools and the ways they can play:
Best schools for soloing are Fire, Ice, Life and Death.
Best schools for supporting others are Balance, Life, Ice and Death.
Best schools for hitting hard are Storm, Fire, Myth and Life.
Best schools for effective mastery of a second school are Balance and Death. (They have universal blades and/or traps.)
Best schools for complicated game play and strategy are Myth, Death, Balance and Ice. (These are schools with the most tricks up their sleeves!)
Best schools for a challenging beginning are Storm, Ice, and Life. (These schools are difficult to master in the earlier part of the game, but each becomes easier and much more powerful later on.)
Best schools for an easy beginning and huge challenges later on are Balance, Myth and Death. (Myth has few AoE attacks and their minions become a problem. Death and Balance suffer from low base damage & universal buffs that make it tough to remove shields and weaknesses.)
Best schools for minion choices are Myth, Balance, and Death. (Death has one minion, but it's an x-pip so you actually have a dozen minions to choose from!)
Best schools for PVP are Balance, Ice and Fire. (Though they take turns being number one, these schools always seem to land in the top three spots.)
Alia Misthaven
I have some commentary here.
Ice and Life are decent solo schools, but I would say the best ones are schools that can do good damage but also have good health, which would be Death and Myth. Not sure why you included Fire, but you may have something in mind there that I'm missing.
How is Death a support school?
Life has attacks close to Ice, not sure why you said it's good for hitting.
Agreed, those are good schools for external mastery.
I don't have anything to say about schools for complex gameplay, as I've mostly played Storm.
This is definitely true. Storm, Ice, and Life have some annoying weaknesses.
As I said, I've mostly played Storm, so I'll refrain from commenting on this.
Minions in general are weak and unhelpful in my opinion.
I haven't done much PvP, so I'll refrain from commenting on this.
Ok, so I have a level 35 and 27 that I am working and playing with at the moment and I have been thinking to start a new wizard, but from all the posts I have read I think or would b good choices, but I really don't know, so can somthing help me out in this area and share your opinions on and .
Thanks, Jessica Fire Spear
It depends on what you're looking for in your new wizard, what sort of skills do you want them to have?
Here's a list of my favorite schools to least favorite:
1. Balance The name of the school speaks for itself. It can be very annoying sometimes, but it's hands down my favorite. You get every school blade and traps, you get neutral blades and traps. You can get some decent heals from it. It's my all time go to school. 2. Storm High damage. Great gear once you get to a higher level. 3. Death You can do some super high damage and heal yourself within one spell. 4. Fire It has a lot of hit all enemies spells that can do some great damage. 5. Life Heals. Nuff said. 6. Myth Kind of a boring school for me at least. I deleted my myth character when she was level 8 because I personally didn't like the school. 7. Ice The only thing I like about ice school is the tower shields. That's it. Low damage. Gear isn't great. My least favorite school in my opinion.
You might want to give Myth more of a chance. Getting to Level 8 tells you almost nothing about a school.
hi! i like death ! its not because death is my first school my wizard was ! its because you don't fizzle that much which is great for me!!!!! but my second favourite is storm i never had a storm wizard but i have friends who do and the attacks are unbelievable !!!!!!!!
In rankings from 7-1 I get all schools up to completing the First Arc to fully judge a school. 7 Life: I just really couldn't enjoy life that much, Not getting a blade until you're about 2/3rds done with Krokotopia, (Ice is worse at 38, basically mooshu) No aoe whatsoever (without the use of tc Forest Lords) and damage is lackluster, and without the use of monstrous tcs I would be spending more time having to add in more hits to a deck, yeah, nah. It's a good class for heals though. 6 Ice: No blade till 38, and it's a bit broken of a class, eh. 5 Fire: I don't care that much about the class, not a huge fan of DOT classes, but I'm still confused as to why Fire can get MORE damage then STORM, the class that is only known for High Attacks? Confused me lol 4 Myth: Underrated school by far, the way minions work hurt it in the second arc though, removing the core fundamental of the class. Still a good class to play, reworking minion system would be nice as well. 3 Death: Fun to play, sad it gets all the nerfs though. (lulu changed from 1030 to 830 base damage, yikes) Easiest class to solo with imo 2 Balance: First wizard I ever had, was fun, I think they need an actual class specific blade/trap/prism, but yeah it's still fun to play as lol 1 Storm: My favorite overall. Having the such powerful spells is so fun. Health is very low, which makes for interesting solos sometimes, Accuracy is somewhat bad for level 1-30, but mount olympus gives you a good push, Damage is just great (I still think that fire should not be able to surpass storm in damage eitherway) fun to play as.
1. My first love. Overall a good school, hits hard and has decent health. Easy to solo. The "warrior" of the schools 2. So much fun to play. Very annoying to solo, but it's so easy and quick if you're questing with someone 3. Relatively easy to solo. Quick hitter, does a lot of damage. This is the "assassin" of the schools 4. I like healing. Nuff said 5. Draining health is cool. Easy to solo but it takes sooo long until you get AOE 6. Pretty much useless for PvE and not easy to solo. It's pretty good in PvP though 7. It's just boring to me. Sorry :p