I am a long time player with many wizards and I have decided to try and start learning PvP.
Ive decided to start by trying the Master rank so i can somewhat figure out how this new system works . . (the last time i ever did pvp was back in the 1st age.) - So Ive decided to try this on my lvl 50 Life wiz that I have.
Ive only begun with a few matches but so far it seems that some of the new spellement options for schools are wildly out balanced.
Ive noticed that a few schools have a gambit that provides either a +40% - +60% buff to their school when conditions are met, or for some spells there can be a -60% shield or weakness, however Life is lacking in anything similar. The closest thing that might compare is Natures wrath, which can give a +35% damage and heal blade but that 35% is nothing compared to another schools +40% or +60%.
I really think there is too much of an uneven playing field for these new spellement path upgrades to even use them. Maybe certain spellement upgrade ranks need to be level limited like some of the other spells in game. Ie some astral spells, and treasure cards require a minimum level before being allowed in pvp ..
This way players trying pvp for the first time will not be obliterated by the players who have hoarded spellements on their wizards.
Yes. The addition of spellements has considerably increased the barrier to entry to PvP.
PvP years ago used to be simple. The most you would have to do was go to CVS to pick up a defender pig gift card and you were geared up. Then they added commander gear, then the pet update, then pack items being best pieces of gear in their respective slots, then spellements.
PvP is impossible to get into as a new player. I am in the arena all the time and it's the same group of people all the time. Anybody who comes in as a private just gets smacked until they get discouraged and stop playing. I pity new players who want to get into it.