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Wallaru information/speculation

Nov 02, 2009
In case you skipped through all the dialog at the end of Novus, the game teased the name of the next world of W101, Wallaru. However, we were given little information about the upcoming world. So, I'm interested if the world has ever been mentioned before and if we know a little bit about it, particularly concerning what real-world location it will be loosely based on, if any. Also, if anyone has any speculations based off even just the name, I'd be interested to hear that too.

Aug 16, 2009
Hey! So we know that Wallaru is the Spiral equivalent of Australia, more in-depth than how Khrysalis is based on Australia and New Zealand (maybe Khrysalis and Wallaru were geographically connected in the FirstWorld?). We know that Zander, the Arcanum's life scholar, is from Wallaru, and he's an inaudible koala, although his telepathic voice has an Australian accent. Also, "wallaroo," pronounced the same way as "Wallaru," is an Australian animal that is shaped and sized in-between a wallaby and a kangaroo, which is interestingly not how it got its name, but that's besides the point; a wallaroo is basically a kangaroo.

What isn't very clear, but we've heard from Zander during the final moments of the Novus expansion, is that Wallaru is "a plane between the borders of reality and dreams." I'm unsure what to make of this, but I suppose we'll find out, although I believe that maybe this explains why Zander is voiceless and communicates through telepathy, maybe all of his species do this.

Personally though, we've seen myth wizards get a Baba Yaga spell (Witch's Housecall) in her home world of Polaris, death wizards get a Qismah Shasa spell (Qismah's Curse) in her home world of Mirage, and I'm really, really hoping that life wizards get a Zander spell in his home world of Wallaru.