Beastmoon can have a steep learning curve at first. It might be helpful for the game to have a practice arena at times when there is no beastmoon event going on. == place for experienced beastmoon players to teach newcomers == place for teams to try strategy when there are no stakes == place to practice getting from point a to point b in the different arena environments
It might have ki generated npcs with commentary or it might simply be an empty arena
there is something like this for pvp and of course dueling circles are provided with many houses....
if you like this idea, please add your thoughts on how it might be useful.
I think it's a good idea. I'd love to see KI to require new players to do a pre-quest where they have to successfully navigate around the arena before they are allowed to play. It's frustrating when new players are wandering hopelessly lost and apparently unable to follow instructions.