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Darkmoor Gear

Apr 10, 2012
I have never been so frustrated in my life man. I think I have run this dungeon about 40 or 50 times and I still cannot get the hood. I think it might just not exist. On top this I just got so sick of the dungeon that I decided to try my luck with the chest. I bought 5000 crowns to dump and I got absolutely nothing. 10 bucks down the drain there. I did however get my 20th pair of boots at least right? haha... If anything is going to stop making me play this game right now it is this gear. I don't understand why there is not some way to craft the gear using other gear you can obtain from the boss. I have gotten plenty of robes and boots that I would trade in a heartbeat for a single hat.

Anyways sorry for my rant. I really just wanted to know if this is the normal experience with trying to get the darkmoor gear or if I'm just really unlucky. It's not really fun having to repeat the same dungeon over and over again so any suggestions as to how I can maybe get the gear faster would be great.

May 30, 2009
I'll tell you right now its just chance. I have run Darkmoore at least 7 times and haven't gotten anything. I've also run waterworks at LEAST 35 times and never got my boots. It just stinks but thats the way the cookie crumbles. I have a friend who got all their gear in 2 runs of darkmoore.