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question ab bazaar!

Jun 27, 2012
hey! so i went to the bazaar to try to get some upgraded gear and saw a wand that costed 399000 gold!! how is anyone supposed to be able to buy the wand as the gold cap is 375000. i am bamboozled .

Jan 16, 2010
As you progress in levels, your gold limit grows higher. My Life for example is level 110+ (maybe 113?) and her gold limit is 425,000, so it is possible in later levels to have a gold limit that's that high. But I'd be careful buying things for that much in the bazaar - I always look them up first to see where else they drop, because chances are you can either buy that for a lower price at a merchant, or it might drop from a particular boss or mob, and you might get one for free anyway.

It's kind of like buying Polaris music scrolls, just don't do it - you'll get a million of them when you go through Polaris, for free.

Mar 17, 2019
Hello! as you progress in the game, the gold cap also increases. So for example, for a level 150 paragon wizard, the gold cap is 525 thousand (somewhere around there)

This guide (the left side of your screen when you click the link)
Should tell you more about it, albeit it is kind of outdated.