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spring update disappointment

Feb 24, 2018
I am very disappointed with the spring update. I do not feel it was right to change the Lemuria gear stats After the farming needed to get them for the stats they had to make them less desirable to have. It was one thing changing the spells in other update but now to go after the gear we worked for does not seem fair. Also not fair to take away my arena tickets i fished for in tournaments since i do not do pvp nor plan to. There should have been notice of this to happen so i could have redeemed them before they was taken away or switched to the new ones. We should have had forewarning and amount of time to use them I am started to dread the updates because they seem to take from us then give to us.

Sep 10, 2012
I agree and very disappointed also with the last few updates. The level 150 gear is not right and how they changed them does not make any sense. Putting myth things with the fire gear and storm with the death gear as examples. Most people will have second school with what will use same triple blades and traps like fire,storm and ice or death,myth and life. Hopefully they will not start changing other gear. I farm for many hours and many days to gear the gear i want and would hate for them to be changed next.The arena tickets taken away was also upsetting. I also would have redeemed mine if I had known this was going to happen. It seems that non pvp players are not being taken into account with these updates or they are trying to get everyone to do pvp. Hopefully next update will not be so upsetting and fix some of the changes they did back to where they were.

May 14, 2014
I fully agree with both of you. I have been away from game for short time and just back on and heard about the spring update changes and also feel they were unfair. It was not fair to change gear stats and to take away all the arena tickets. I do not do pvp and got my tickets from daily assignments and fishing tournaments. The only reason i did the daily assignments was for the tickets mostly.I feel the arena tickets should not have been taken away right away but given a grace period. They were something that we earned as with the gear. I am starting to dread these updates for past couple times they seem to hurt us like the gear and spell changes and the tickets taken away. I am hoping that no other gear will be changed in future updates like this one. Not everyone does pvp or plan to.