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Universal Item Recycling

May 14, 2020
Instead of just selling items at the bazaar, or using quicksell, or feeding them to your pet, why not allow players to do something useful with their items they don't want?

Gold is easy to get the game. Most reagents are plentiful after you play for long enough. But time is a scarce resource for many players. So why not increase player satisfaction by giving them a sense that everything they do is actually giving them some progress towards what they want?

The idea: allow players to select an item and click a "Recycle" button from their inventory, anywhere in the world. It gives an amount of gold worth about half of what the player could get in the bazaar, and it gives a new kind of "World-specific Universal Reagent".

Every item in the world (so, that whole game world's drop table) is added into a series of vendors. Housing, Pets, Boots, Hats, Robes, Amulets, Rings, etc.

Each vendor has the entire drop table of every item in that world. But only for sale with that "World-specific Universal Reagent".

No more farming a specific boss for ages and getting frustrated. No more dealing with players upset about drop tables, drop rates, making an item more widely available, etc. The only question would be about the amount of "World-specific Universal Reagent" that each item would cost. Which should be more of a question of the approximate amount of time something should take to obtain.

It's a quick and easy fix. And it could be tried in small-scale. How about in Krokotopia, with a travelling vendor that as part of an event, will sell anything and everything in that world... for a price. Players who have any Krokotopia-specific items in their inventory and click them may see that the normally greyed-out "Recycle" button is now colored, and can recycle only those items. (Recycling for items from other worlds could be disabled, depending on the outcome of this event, if players like it.)

Players could be asked to vote on a poll and receive up to 100 crowns on whether they liked the event, as an incentive to get player feedback. Just enough to stitch one item. A nice way to encourage new players, get feedback, and best of all, it provides a new way to test out new ideas: small-scale events with player polls.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I do wish at the very least that there was a universal "sell this item" option. The Krokotopian Karaftans are a horrible backpack hog.