Whats going on with the spellemental drops from beastmoon plants, for about a week my wizards have not recieved the spellementals any of the drops they said they received, My death wiz was suppose to get mutate golem spellment and Sprite swarm spellement just a few minutes ago and nothing. The same wizard was suppose to receive 3 Monster Mash spellement this week and nothing.
Whats going on with the spellemental drops from beastmoon plants, for about a week my wizards have not recieved the spellementals any of the drops they said they received, My death wiz was suppose to get mutate golem spellment and Sprite swarm spellement just a few minutes ago and nothing. The same wizard was suppose to receive 3 Monster Mash spellement this week and nothing.
Hi Haltons! I just wanted to clarify, so the game said that you received a certain spellement, but in your inventory you still had the same amount you had before harvesting.
Is this what you mean by saying you were "supposed" to get x amount of a spellement?