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Housing Rating Team Up Points

Nov 25, 2012
I don't understand why we can rate only 10 castles per 10 points in a day, while other players can get beastmoon/team up points without limits.
Pls concider changing the amount of points we get for rating.

Dec 09, 2008
Star Gator on Mar 28, 2021 wrote:
I don't understand why we can rate only 10 castles per 10 points in a day, while other players can get beastmoon/team up points without limits.
Pls concider changing the amount of points we get for rating.
We added the limit in part to prevent rushing of houses. Enjoy the experience of touring houses :).

Jun 10, 2012
basically participating active event like hunt mayhem and deckathalon give more point than passive ones (showcase tour promenade)
hunt 15-50 point per hunt (so 10 try per day lost give already 150
mayhem 4-45 points per run (2 hours give arround 120 point if you got good team)
deckathalon can give 140 points per day (farming stage 1to4)(a full run could potentially give +250 point per day)
showcase 100 point per day
tour 110 per day
promenade 100 point per day