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Best Level 35 Balance Deck?

Aug 27, 2010
I'm a level 36 balance wizard in Mooshu, as if right now, i am in the 2nd long dungeon for Mooshu, my current deck is Deck of The Lotus , it consists of the following.
4 Tower Shields
2 Volcanic Shields
4 Pixie
4 Balanceblade
4 Bladestorm
4 Helping Hands
4 Hex
4 Judgement
4 Mander Minion
4 Reshuffle
4 Sandstorm
4 Spectral Blast
and 4 Elemental Blade

Because of this deck setup, i always die to 3rd to last boss for the 2nd Mooshu long dungeon. Any suggestions for a better deck?

Mar 24, 2009
First thing's first - you need less cards. With all of those cards in your deck, it's going to be hard to pull the cards you really want/need. Shields - take out a couple (personally I'm not someone who uses shields at all, but if you're a shield user then just limit them a bit). I'd also only use towers just because they're universal rather than the volcanic shields which only work for certain mobs/bosses. Next, only keep the pixies in if you really feel like you need them, i.e., you're dying a lot. They take up space in your deck and without a mastery amulet, that's two full pips (sometimes power pips) down the drain, which can be life or death in some cases. It's honestly better to use helping hands since you're balance, so personally I'd take the pixies out completely, but that's up to you. Balanceblades and bladestorms are good, so are the hex cards. As with above, keep the helping hands if you think you'll be hit a lot and risk dying. Better than pixie because you're balance so better to use your school heals. Judgement is a favorite spell of mine personally, and it's great for higher health bosses, as with enough buffing, it can do quite a bit of damage - keep judgement in. Mander minions are OK, but you don't need 4 of them. One or MAYBE two if you're scared of the first one dying is plenty. Personally I don't even use minions, but sometimes they are crucial and help immensely, so use them if that's your play style. You DEFINTELY don't need 4 reshuffles. Reshuffles put all your cards back in your deck after you've used them, and most people don't even go through their deck ONCE in a battle, let alone 4. One reshuffle is plenty, and actually I recommend all wizards of all schools have one reshuffle in their deck at all times. Sandstorms are great for hitting more than one enemy - essential. Same thing with spectral blast - absolutely essential. Elemental blades are OK, but again you don't need 4. If your only elemental hit is SB, then I'd put maybe 2 elementals in - all 4 SBs aren't going to use the same school all 4 times (most likely), so don't waste pips on extra blades you don't need. With the extra room, either leave it with blank spaces or pack in some scorpions and locust swarms so you have lower pip hits in case you need to hit quick. Also, there's always the team up option if you're really struggling to get through. Good luck!!
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