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Improving the Attack Order

Oct 15, 2009
Its understood that someone or thing has to go first, its the mechanism of the game. Alot goes on in chance behind the scenes. I suggested this years ago, but havent lost faith that it may be considered.

The attack order has an advantage (usually). Whether is be PVE or PVP give the player some type of hand in their fate. This can be done with random number generators. Example: single person PVP- after entering arena the screen splits into two with a number generator on each side. 1-100 cycling fast. Each player clicks the one with the highest goes first. This could even be done while waiting for a match.

Multiple player teams would add up the total.

The other is introducing a reversal card. It operates the same way a stun does. The player is stunned. But now the one who cast it goes first. Stun block could block the spell.