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Idea for a Critical/Block Overhaul

Sep 16, 2011
So I know everyone loves their critical, but hear me out.

I believe the best way for Critical/Block stats to be handled would be to make them be exclusive to Mobs/Players respectively.

Make it so only us players could have block stats. In turn, only Mobs would be able to critical. Of course, I assume this would take a lot of work to overhaul every piece of gear so that it would reflect this change. However, it might be for the better.

If we make block exclusive to players and critical exclusive to Mobs, it would have numerous impacts:

a) It would make players more knowledgeable about how much damage they can do with their stats without having to rely on an RNG factor such as Critical Percentage. Thus, creating a sort of "skill gap" for higher worlds. Yes, that would mean that fights could certainly get more difficult. However, there's always a strategy to every fight without even needing to rely on a critical to cut corners.

b) You would see a vastly different array of gear sets from player to player. Players would be able to be more creative with gear sets since they're no longer forced to focus on gear giving them better chances of getting extra damage in order to more easily join other players in farming for gear, spells, jewels, etc. Players' gear could consist of more pieces of gear at different level ranges. Plus, right now even if a player does critical, Mobs still have some sort of block in all worlds above Dragonspyre. So landing a critical isn't even a guarantee.

c) It would take one of the multiple RNG factors out of PvP. It makes absolutely no sense for players to be granted extra damage, no matter the amount, for essentially doing nothing to achieve it. Beastmoon makes a great step in this direction where it has some spells require a shield or a DoT in order to do some bonus damage. Both are things players can actively manipulate. Players should be rewarded for skillful play and maneuvering in PvP, not for something completely left up to RNG.

I know that this might be an abstract way to change a system that people have known for so long. But this game doesn't really need players to have critical. We have access to high damage stats for each world and level tier.

Critical has always just seemed to be something extra that isn't really needed due to the heavy reliance on the stat in order to cut corners more easily.

Tell me what you all think. I appreciate any and all responses