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Beastmoon Hunt Etiquette

Sep 01, 2009
Etiquette: "the customary code of polite behavior is society or among members of a particular profession or group."

When you are on a team in Beastmoon Hunt, you are part of a group, which, for purposes of this post, will be called a team. As a member of that team, it's your *job* to support other players, to be helpful, and to give, and listen to, advice. I was just on a team that lost by almost 90 points because two members could not stop insulting one another. They did nothing but argue, and during one battle, one of them purposely let the other die.

Yes, Beastmoon Hunt is part of a game, and thus, not to be taken very seriously, but if one chooses to participate, one needs to be conscious of etiquette. If the only reason you are on a team is to tell other people what to do, or brag about how many matches you've won, or argue constantly, then you are not interested in being a team member. Players with that attitude will not only alienate other team members, you may well contribute to a loss.

One of the many reasons to be polite and helpful during any event is to build and maintain morale. People who are supported and praised do better than people who are ignored and verbally abused. Again, I realize Beastmoon Hunt is part of a game, however, using etiquette and other team-building skill sets can help you in the real world.

Being part of a team can sometimes be challenging, especially if you are the type of person who enjoys feeling that you are in charge. But even managers have to remember they are part of a team, not just the team leader. And the best managers are upbeat, positive, and supportive, while remembering to give praise when deserved, encouragement when necessary, and use good etiquette. If you bring these skills into Beastmoon Hunt, not only will you win more matches, and most likely make more friends, you will be learning tools to use in your everyday life.

If you see someone struggling with the new map, or with finding battle pips, help them. Use chat to say "Hey, battle pips near <base>" or "Spiral is <direction> from where you are." Use positive reinforcement, be kind, be patient, and be a good team member.

If someone on your team refuses to help, is being verbally abusive, bullying, or simply ignoring everyone, do not engage with them. Focus on the other team members who are actively participating, and if necessary, report the abusive individual at the end of the match.

Finally, have fun. Being kind and supportive will give you a better gaming experience, and in turn, create a better team.

Dec 09, 2008
Snee432 on Dec 5, 2019 wrote:
Etiquette: "the customary code of polite behavior is society or among members of a particular profession or group."

When you are on a team in Beastmoon Hunt, you are part of a group, which, for purposes of this post, will be called a team. As a member of that team, it's your *job* to support other players, to be helpful, and to give, and listen to, advice. I was just on a team that lost by almost 90 points because two members could not stop insulting one another. They did nothing but argue, and during one battle, one of them purposely let the other die.

Yes, Beastmoon Hunt is part of a game, and thus, not to be taken very seriously, but if one chooses to participate, one needs to be conscious of etiquette. If the only reason you are on a team is to tell other people what to do, or brag about how many matches you've won, or argue constantly, then you are not interested in being a team member. Players with that attitude will not only alienate other team members, you may well contribute to a loss.

One of the many reasons to be polite and helpful during any event is to build and maintain morale. People who are supported and praised do better than people who are ignored and verbally abused. Again, I realize Beastmoon Hunt is part of a game, however, using etiquette and other team-building skill sets can help you in the real world.

Being part of a team can sometimes be challenging, especially if you are the type of person who enjoys feeling that you are in charge. But even managers have to remember they are part of a team, not just the team leader. And the best managers are upbeat, positive, and supportive, while remembering to give praise when deserved, encouragement when necessary, and use good etiquette. If you bring these skills into Beastmoon Hunt, not only will you win more matches, and most likely make more friends, you will be learning tools to use in your everyday life.

If you see someone struggling with the new map, or with finding battle pips, help them. Use chat to say "Hey, battle pips near <base>" or "Spiral is <direction> from where you are." Use positive reinforcement, be kind, be patient, and be a good team member.

If someone on your team refuses to help, is being verbally abusive, bullying, or simply ignoring everyone, do not engage with them. Focus on the other team members who are actively participating, and if necessary, report the abusive individual at the end of the match.

Finally, have fun. Being kind and supportive will give you a better gaming experience, and in turn, create a better team.
These are excellent words to play by, thanks Snee432 for sharing!

Feb 12, 2015
Wow, thanks so much for saying this! I'm impressed.

Mar 16, 2012
Sparck, why is this category lacking the ability to Charm?