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Big problem with the catacomb gear

Dec 13, 2008
Im sure some of you know that the gear requires 300 extract for a single piece right? If not now you do but thats not the point the point here is that to make the good pieces is which is the hood boots amulet and ring that right there is 1200 extract, 200 salts and 20 crystals and this is just for 1 wizard imagine someone with 7 max wizards wanting to get these same pieces for the other 6 of thier wizards let alone one thats in total 8.4k extract, 1.4k salt and 140 crystals this is just way to much and then on top of this the vanguard is harder to get then both aphrodites damage rings and morganthes athames and amulets before her drop rate change its insane cant it be possible to make the extra part be at best 100 and the vanguard be a bit more easy to get or something this is just bonkers somethings gotta change here

Jun 24, 2011
I agree completely. I have 6 max wizards (nearing on 7) and I would like to get all four of those items for each wizard. If each boss had a chest, maybe it'd be different, or (ideally) if their drop rates were just increased. Maybe if there was a longer double reagents period or something for extract too, it'd be great. Even with some fights dropping 5+ extract per battle it's still too much. As is, it just isn't worth that much effort. You have to pick and choose which character you want the item on, then pick which item you want to craft first. I'm fine with needing to craft the item, but it's just too hard a recipe in its current state for what just isn't worth that much effort.

Dec 13, 2008
Brahm Cracker on Nov 26, 2019 wrote:
I agree completely. I have 6 max wizards (nearing on 7) and I would like to get all four of those items for each wizard. If each boss had a chest, maybe it'd be different, or (ideally) if their drop rates were just increased. Maybe if there was a longer double reagents period or something for extract too, it'd be great. Even with some fights dropping 5+ extract per battle it's still too much. As is, it just isn't worth that much effort. You have to pick and choose which character you want the item on, then pick which item you want to craft first. I'm fine with needing to craft the item, but it's just too hard a recipe in its current state for what just isn't worth that much effort.
Exactly! A double chance chest would be GREATLY needed because with the bosses already being way to op and the drops being way to low its just a lotta effort for nothing

Dec 13, 2008
*an update on the problem with the catacomb gear*

One of my friends farm king d aka the trash king for almost a weeks worth as a tank helping people buff up for hitting and yet to get any type of hood he legit has enough reagents to make 5 hoods (not even kidding) his extract amount is so much his bank is full and is almost half way full again with extract.. now im all for spam farming the reagents i really am and i think alot of people are just like with flying squid ink for the revered wands but the gear part no theres no way the vanguard pieces should near impossible to get thats so wrong for it to be set this way plz make the vanguard gear part easy to get the reagents i suppose are fine but still a bit high