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No Open Chat despite credit card purchase

Dec 26, 2010
KingsIsle email support was no help, because I used a debit card to purchase my membership, and it only allows me to set Filtered chat instead of Open Chat.

I still don't understand this at all.

Mar 16, 2012
Lucasdreamsteed1 on Oct 19, 2019 wrote:
KingsIsle email support was no help, because I used a debit card to purchase my membership, and it only allows me to set Filtered chat instead of Open Chat.

I still don't understand this at all.
A debit card isn't the same as a credit card. It's just the same as a pre-paid card, there's only a limited amount on that card, when it's used up it's gone. Plus there's an age restriction, you have to be 18 or older.

Jan 18, 2010
In addition to having an active debit card on file,

Your account must also reflect that you are 18 years or older.

If this isn't the case, then the option for you to have open chat (available by accessing your parental controls via your master account) won't be available to you.

Jan 18, 2010
Support can't do much in situations like this.

They cannot change the age of your account; by extension your birthdate by law.

Apr 18, 2010
Your situation is probably the same as mine, I'm guessing, because of when your account was created. I'm assuming your age was below 13 when you signed up, and because of that you are pretty much entirely locked out of the feature because they couldn't track your age. It's really unfair, especially when we are paying them, but I figure we are such a small minority of players that this affects so they see no reason to try to resolve the issue for us.

Dec 26, 2010
Yeah I'm 21 now. Oh well I guess I'll never know what some people are saying. Just can see filtered text, but not the rest. I just hope it's nothing bad people are saying to me.

Mar 16, 2012
Lucasdreamsteed1 on Oct 22, 2019 wrote:
Yeah I'm 21 now. Oh well I guess I'll never know what some people are saying. Just can see filtered text, but not the rest. I just hope it's nothing bad people are saying to me.
Then why let it bother you? Why do you assume it's bad? And would you really be happier for knowing? I have filtered chat, and I'm an adult, it doesn't bother me a bit what open chat players are saying ( unless they're talking strategy in a dungeon, but I can always ask what they're saying. )

Aug 04, 2019
Lucasdreamsteed1 on Oct 22, 2019 wrote:
Yeah I'm 21 now. Oh well I guess I'll never know what some people are saying. Just can see filtered text, but not the rest. I just hope it's nothing bad people are saying to me.
What you could do is transfer all your characters to an account with open chat. It is now cheaper now so you only need to buy a month sub on the account that you want your characters on and then you can play with open chat.