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Oct 12, 2017
Is there other ways for reporting because usually it seems like nothing happens, because when one does report them, they tend to switch to another character or something. And what about reporting things thats related to wiz but its on social media?

The Storm King on Aug 21, 2019 wrote:
Is there other ways for reporting because usually it seems like nothing happens, because when one does report them, they tend to switch to another character or something. And what about reporting things thats related to wiz but its on social media?
Hi The Storm King! Using the following link is the best way to report:


When you email our team, are you receiving a support ticket # in return? If not, then the emails are not getting to us for some reason. Please try then another domain, such as gmail instead of yahoo.

In general though you want to use the email associated with your account that you have a question or concern about.

Oct 12, 2017