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Music and Sound Effects

May 02, 2009
This isn't really about Wizard City but I didn't know where else to say it. Is there any way that you can change your account settings to have the old sound effects for the spells, like you can put the art in classic mode? The new ones are pretty cool, I guess. I just really like all the nostalgia and I don't really get it with the new stuff.

Jul 28, 2009
impossibuddy on Aug 9, 2019 wrote:
This isn't really about Wizard City but I didn't know where else to say it. Is there any way that you can change your account settings to have the old sound effects for the spells, like you can put the art in classic mode? The new ones are pretty cool, I guess. I just really like all the nostalgia and I don't really get it with the new stuff.
I agree. Plus, I've noticed now there is no sound when I use my wand spell to attack during a battle. I was helping my daughter with a battle and noticed her wand attack didn't make the usual sound either. Is this a glitch or intentional?