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Jul 12, 2016
Transformations became crowns only; I personally think they shouldn't be if they're only gonna last a certain amount of time; if transformations have to be crowns only, they should be like permanent mounts (permanent items that players and have in their backpack and equip and unequip whenever they want). I always told myself that taking a fun appearance that wasn't just an outfit was a fun concept; I'd like things to go back to how they were, or the other concept that I just mentioned to happen

Jul 12, 2016
Places where players use gold skeleton keys shouldn't be the only place to harvest them if each one is only good for a one-time use like treasure cards. And like a player sometimes does with a no auction item, they might accidently take the gold skeleton key and quicksell it, trash it, or feed it to their pet not knowing there are only so many of them now. I know that Majid can sell gold skeleton keys, but not everyone can afford holding down a membership month after month. I'm also aware that gold skeleton keys come out of a specific pack; but when someone purchases a pack, there's a low-level chance that they'll get what they hoped they were gonna; and that's when they might tell themselves "I wasted crowns a second ago"; and I don't want Wizard101 to lose popularity. Another thing is that things that players are prone to really wanting are only dropped by skeleton key bosses (spellments are a good example). So, we need gold skeleton keys to go back to not just being dropped by creatures that players need a gold skeleton key to battle.