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The Simple Man's Guide to Darkmoor Graveyard

May 18, 2018
Hey everyone! So after having farmed Darkmoor graveyard a few times, I've realized that a lot of the guides you see online are a bit overwhelming. Yes, the bosses cheat a lot, but some cheats you don't really need memorized. You just need to know some basic things about each boss and what to bring into battle. Keep in mind I am a storm wizard, so it may vary a bit for you as I am usually the main hitter. (DISCLAIMER: This is a general guide. It is not in full detail)

Battle 1: Yevgeny Nightcreeper
-HAVE CONVICTION AND STUN BLOCKS. Especially if you plan on blading anyone or yourself. Every person who casts a blade gets a stun. I personally have lots of conviction TC and those are really my only TC for this fight
-Equip some feints, school traps, and elemental/spirit traps possibly

-Don't bother bringing shields. They're basically ineffective and can get taken

-Ideally have someone carry Shatter card, and if Yevgeny has lots of shields on him before a big hit, have a player use shatter to remove them
-Storm boosts on him

Battle 2: Von Shane 2.0
-As with the previous Von Shane battle, DESIGNATE A SPAMMER. Someone needs to hit him every round with minor pip spells to stop him from hitting and beguiling people. (Ice ?)
-Boss and 2 minions resist storm. So if you are storm, BRING MASS PRISMS
-If possible bring spells like Disarm or Enfeeble, because Von Shane will get a supercharge blade for no pips every time a wizard blades
-Use school traps on him but no feints/general traps
-No shields
-Don't heal. Yes you can do it, but you'll get hit with a vampire for doing it that does about 1000. Easier to just flee and come back IMO
-Definitely try to kill those minions first. They are pesky and have strong storm spells like Sirens that could take away your blades

Battle 3: Malistaire
-TO MAKE THINGS MUCH EASIER, SOMEONE NEEDS TO HAVE DOOM AND GLOOM. Preferably TC actually. COMMUNICATE before you kill Malistaire the undying so that someone can apply Doom before his death. That way, he'll heal with less than half the health he should've came back with in his shadow form
-Blading system works in a cycle of 4 rounds. Starting right away, you have 3 rounds to blade and then you should ideally hit in the last round before the next cycle begins. If not, blades will be lost after 4th round of cycle as a dragon will remove them all
-Bring Cleanse. minions might spam weakness-inducing spells on you
-Don't use universal blades or traps. They'll be removed or stolen
-Make use of traps, school traps. This is key because your blades will constantly be in a cycle of getting removed, but those traps will remain on him
-@Storm wizards: You might not expect it, but Malistaire the Undying resists storm. Bring single storm prisms when fighting him as myth will boost on him

YES, THERE ARE MORE CHEATS THAN I TALKED ABOUT. But in my opinion this is all you need to know. There will be cheat attacks. But there isn't much preparation to be done about those.

Hope that helps!