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Farming Rage/Hardest drop from bosses

Oct 10, 2009
So I just finished farming Waterworks for the first time on my Storm. Now I got the robe and boots almost right after each other but then I went to fight Luska for the better half of a week to get my hat. So I'm just wandering what the hardest piece of a set anyone has ever farmed before.

For me it seems that I just can't get Hats easily. I got my Death's Zeus gear almost the same way (I didn't bother with Zeus gear and went crafted Sentor gear for Storm). Got Wand, boots, and robes almost right after each other but didn't get the hat till I kid you not almost TWO weeks later.

I also got Royal Gear for both but didn't get hat for either cause I just decided to Craft Wintertusk gear when I got to it since it wasn't game changing gear like the Waterworks is.

Alyssa StormHeart 62
Alyssa DeathHeart 48

Aug 03, 2015
The fact that Sylester doesn't have his own chest makes Waterworks gear the hardest set to get in game. People will say Darkmoor or Hades gear but both those places HAVE chests. Only doing one run of Waterworks for a rare chance of gear does make the gear pretty valuable.

When I was a level 60 death, it took me a few days to get the full set. It's not just the waterworks gear that's hard to get, it's the mastery amulets which seem to have a 1% drop rate (not accurate, just assumption). There's also mega snacks that is hard to drop and the ninja pig gear from the crown shop. I've farmed Waterworks A LOT of times farming for various things and haven't gotten them...

The gear is the most valuable set.