Im stuck on the quest: No weaklings allowed because it will not let me use the summoning crystal. I have several other friends who are also stuck. Can we get some help on what to do?
It's a bug that causes the interface not to appear sometimes. However, the crystal usually still works. If you just go up to the crystals and click on "X" anyway, often that will get the quest to continue.
If you and several others are having the exact same trouble, it might not hurt to have all of you report this to KI Support and each of you file a ticket to get help with the crystal. The bug is well-known on these boards - it seems to come up very often. Maybe if they get enough complaints, KingsIsle will get around to fixing it.
You can reach Support by clicking the "Help?" icon in the upper right corner of this page. Tell them the name of your wizard, which quest and which crystal you're having trouble with. Also, be sure the email linked to your account is up to date since KingsIsle will contact you that way.