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Gardening glitch with PLANT ALL spell

Nov 28, 2012
I don't know if this has been passed on but when I hit the PLANT ALL spell (~30 Evil Magma seeds) I proceeded to enter my Red Barn Farm house as the seeds were being planted. I dumped all of my pet snacks into the Bank, and upon returning to the farming area I noticed only 3 seeds were planted. All of the energy was taken from my character, I had NO seeds remaining in my backpack. Essentially all of the seeds were lost along with my energy.

If I hadn't had a mess more in my Bank I would have been extremely disappointed that this can happen. I hope this hasn't happened to anyone that spent crowns to get specialty seeds to only have them taken away due to this bug.

Beware leaving the planting area until all the seeds are done with the agonizingly slow planting process from the PLANT ALL spell...

Jun 13, 2017
where can you get plant all spell?

Aug 03, 2014
Oh no, I think I know what's happened

This has happened to other friends too where they didn't wait out the animation for the seeds to plant and they discovered them under the floor inside the barn even though they were meant to plant outside.

I'm guessing your item count has gone up and you will start getting the gardening symbol showing needs but you can't find the plants.

To fix it you will need to glitch down and search for them in the darkness - it's way easier if you do it before they die because plants are easier to find than little twigs. If you haven't done this before you might want to check out some online videos for glitching so you can see how to do it.

Last resort you could empty the barn as much as possible and ask KI to delete the barn from your wizard. You can't just sell it because you can't sell a house with plants in it but asking them to remove it wouldn't be too tricky. There is a chance they'd replace the seeds as well but I don't know - no harm asking!

When using plant all we have to remain in the area until the spell completes to avoid this happening. Sorry this happened to you.

PS: aeroformhd ~ You can get plant all from Roger the Shrubber in Avalon. It's 300,000 gold and you must be gardening rank 15. Sadly it is also level locked so you will have to complete the side quests 'There's the Shrub' and 'Between Two Shrubs' to be able to speak to him and buy it. Why, Kingsisle, why???? I hope you are able to get it because it is really amazing for gardeners