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Extremely Disappointed

Jan 30, 2014
I'm disappointed in you right now, KI. No offense, I still love your game.
Science Center.
I am upset because it's just mob fighting the same mobs over and over. All I've done since I got there is mob fight. First you asked steam trawler, then winchers, then the water bots, then the robot thingys, then water bots again, then I talked to the guy, and then I now have to fight water bots again. This is below expectations for me, as I've seen amazing story plots, for sure. The others are far better than what's going on in Science Center right now.
No offense. I still love your game though.

~ Alexis 63

Feb 13, 2011
Mar 04, 2016
You really won't like zafaria then you fight the exact same elephants 100 times and in 20 different quests.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
ThisGirlIsOnFIRE00... on May 14, 2017 wrote:
I'm disappointed in you right now, KI. No offense, I still love your game.
Science Center.
I am upset because it's just mob fighting the same mobs over and over. All I've done since I got there is mob fight. First you asked steam trawler, then winchers, then the water bots, then the robot thingys, then water bots again, then I talked to the guy, and then I now have to fight water bots again. This is below expectations for me, as I've seen amazing story plots, for sure. The others are far better than what's going on in Science Center right now.
No offense. I still love your game though.

~ Alexis 63
The partial solution to this is to stack quests.

Don't start fighting mobs until you've run around talking to everyone who has an over their head. Pick up every quest you can find in the area, then go back and start working on the main quest only. Don't do the side quests until you get through that whole area and onto the next one. In fact, you might even want to wait until you've cleared the main quests of 3 or 4 areas before going back to work on side quests!

With stacked quests, you'll find that you can finish 2 or 3 side quests at once with just a couple of battles, because the defeats can apply to more than one quest at a time.

(This trick will be especially helpful when you get to Zafaria and have to fight Lions and then Elephants OVER and OVER and OVER again....)

Stack all your quests from now on. Seriously. It will save your sanity!

Alia Misthaven

Jan 30, 2014
I stack quests. I have about 12 for the floating land (all mobs), 4 for the grotto, 7 for district of the stars, and a couple for Stormriven. Here's my issue with Science Center though. He tells you to fight it (as a main quest) and then tells you to pick up something and then fight the same mob again.

Apr 05, 2015
Freshta on May 17, 2017 wrote:
The partial solution to this is to stack quests.

Don't start fighting mobs until you've run around talking to everyone who has an over their head. Pick up every quest you can find in the area, then go back and start working on the main quest only. Don't do the side quests until you get through that whole area and onto the next one. In fact, you might even want to wait until you've cleared the main quests of 3 or 4 areas before going back to work on side quests!

With stacked quests, you'll find that you can finish 2 or 3 side quests at once with just a couple of battles, because the defeats can apply to more than one quest at a time.

(This trick will be especially helpful when you get to Zafaria and have to fight Lions and then Elephants OVER and OVER and OVER again....)

Stack all your quests from now on. Seriously. It will save your sanity!

Alia Misthaven
Even though I don't do side quests I should've did quest stacking for extra xp. Thanks for pointing it out.

Transcendent Necromancer