Does stacking plants to save energy and space count as cheating? I saw someone use this glitch and thought it seemed cool, but I remember players getting banned a few years back for using some glitches and do not want to do something that is immorally wrong and puts my wizards in danger. Thanks in advance.
Does stacking plants to save energy and space count as cheating? I saw someone use this glitch and thought it seemed cool, but I remember players getting banned a few years back for using some glitches and do not want to do something that is immorally wrong and puts my wizards in danger. Thanks in advance.
No. It is not cheating and is allowed. There are 2 things you need to remember:
1. If you stack and something happens to cause you to lose seeds or have other issues with your plants, KI will not help you get them back. Their stance is "Stack at your own risk".
2. IF for some odd reason, you happen to start harvesting more from Elder plants and the plants DON'T go away, REPORT IT IMMEDIATELY to KI. Do not continue harvesting and DON'T inform others of the glitch. This is what happened a few years ago when so many were banned. There was a glitch that allow multiple harvests from the same elder plants and no one reported it.
The only time you would get extra from Elder plants is during the Double Rewards.
People were banned for using a glitch that allowed them to harvest elder plants over and over again.
What you're suggesting is stacked gardens. It's not against the rules, but KI doesn't "support" it. That means, if you run into a problem where you lose a plant or have technical problems caused by the stacking, KI customer support will not refund you anything you lost from that.
That said, I've never heard of anyone actually having technical trouble with stacked gardens....
Does stacking plants to save energy and space count as cheating? I saw someone use this glitch and thought it seemed cool, but I remember players getting banned a few years back for using some glitches and do not want to do something that is immorally wrong and puts my wizards in danger. Thanks in advance.
its not against the terms of use, but KI doesn't support plant stacking. the players you remember that got banned, weren't banned because of plant stacking, but there was a glitch that allowed a player to get more than one harvest from a elder plant, and the players that did have the harvest glitch didn't report to KI, and therefore, they exploited it, and they got banned. I could be wrong, though. so, if the harvest glitch, does, somehow, return, report to KI, unless you want what happened to those other players to happen to you. see the post "can plant stacking get you banned?" or something like that, for more information. your welcome! :D