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Quest: "No Weaklings Allowed" glitch detected!

Jan 28, 2017
Uh-oh! Looks like someone threw a monkey wrench into that Summoning Crystal Stand your supposed to use to summon a boss during the "No Weaklings Allowed" quest! For some odd reason, the crystal stand only works on the Banshee realm, leaving people in other realms unable to summon the boss and progress with the game ( including myself ). What on earth happened? And were the other crystal stands affected?

Jul 27, 2011
Jessica U on Feb 15, 2017 wrote:
Uh-oh! Looks like someone threw a monkey wrench into that Summoning Crystal Stand your supposed to use to summon a boss during the "No Weaklings Allowed" quest! For some odd reason, the crystal stand only works on the Banshee realm, leaving people in other realms unable to summon the boss and progress with the game ( including myself ). What on earth happened? And were the other crystal stands affected?
Sometimes minor bugs happen, and logging out, exiting the game, then logging back in might be the fix you need. Otherwise, this is something that would be for developers to look at.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
I've noticed minor bugs like this. Sometimes changing realms can help. Sometimes porting home and then coming back can help you get the interaction working again. Usually doing one of those two things works. Logging out should be a last resort because it can erase progress if you're in an instance. If all else fails you can try rebooting.

If you try changing realms, going home, logging out & right back in, rebooting and logging in, and after all that you still can't summon your boss ... send a report to KingsIsle support.

Good luck!

Alia Misthaven