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Loyalty Store Updates?

Jan 16, 2010
Just curious how often the Loyalty Store inventory updates? I currently have 12 tokens, and I can't get anymore of the packs even though it's after the 1st of the month - I seem to remember reading somewhere that they would be updated regularly? How regularly is regularly? Because right now all I can get with my tokens are things that I don't particularly want to purchase. I mean, I will if I'm not given any other choice, but I wondered if anyone had a solid answer to this question?

Mar 30, 2014
Yes I am in the same boat. Most of what's left available to me isn't that exciting. Last month I selected the Unforgiven Dead packs over the Ravenwood Rangers packs. But now those Ravenwood packs have been replaced with spellement packs I'm not too interested in and the Unforgiven Dead packs are just a dead spot in the shop. If I'd known what was coming I would have bought them in the reverse order.

Now I've got tokens to spend and a shop full of stuff I've been rejecting for months. I don't need potions now and I certainly don't need to buy 3 blueprint tokens when I have hundreds. Not wild about the mount and because we have no idea what's coming, I don't want to spend all my tokens on a mount I don't particularly like when maybe another will come soon that I might want.

--Can we get more offerings so there aren't dead spots in the store?

--Can we get more appropriate offerings for decorators? What about rainbow bridges?

--Can we be allowed to purchase the stitch gear we missed out on before?

--Can we get a preview at least of next month so we know how to plan our spending?

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I would very much like the ability to purchase the entire clothing set/elements that we missed of that set and would love to see fun Housing Items as well.

I admit it is very confusing and the time-limitedness of some of the things leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The Spellement pack for me is much preferred over the Rangers Hoard one.

To answer OP's original question: The shop is updated at the start of every month.

Mar 30, 2014
Today I went to make a choice at the loyalty shop so I could redeem the August tokens that appeared at the start of the month, and I noticed today my tokens have just disappeared, but I didn't redeem them yet!! I'm so confused, where have my tokens gone?? Please fix this bug and restore my tokens.

Sep 05, 2009
I would also like to be able to purchase stich gear that i missed out on, I was really looking forward to the shadow set but missed it because my membership wasn't renewed untill the month the store was introduced so i missed the hat and robes.

Apr 18, 2013
Please put a doomsday-like timer countdown on each Loyalty Store item so we know how much time there is to consider purchasing them. Like that, we can prioritize which item to spend our Loyalty Tokens on first.