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Wizard101 Central Registration Woes

Feb 12, 2015
I know this probably isn't the most appropriate place to post this, but I'm at my wit's end with a problem I'm having and I know some people here are on this fansite. I'm experiencing a very annoying problem and I was wondering if anyone can share a resolution.

Basically, Lookit Light here is trying to join Central's community, but I'm experiencing a problem with registering my account. The email that I am supposed to receive to confirm my account is not reaching me at all. And before anyone asks, it's not in my spam folder either. I've tried everything to confirm my account without success.

I've attempted to contact the site administrators, but I have either not gotten a response or the response is also somehow unable to reach me. I'd like the assistance of some people on the fansite here; is there a way for me to get past this problem so I can take part in another section of the Wizard101 community?

Feb 12, 2015
Update: This issue has now been resolved and my account is confirmed. Thank you to anyone who gave an answer. Happy to join Central!