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What is PvP Battle Pass?

Apr 18, 2013
I have not heard from anyone anywhere that there is another Scroll of Fortune type reward system in the game. I just moseyed on over to the PvP section and checking out the 4 kiosks and see PvP Battle Pass. There are currently 47 days left. The rewards seem better than our regular Scroll at first glance. Not entirely sure though as it contains some questionable items.

It has 2 rewards for Participation Trophies. For what? KI just established this reagent to be no good anymore.
Warlord's Wurst? www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Snack:Warlord%27s_Wurst?msclkid=ff93a41dcec411ec8df0a7614fbf45d4#axzz7ShEVO6bt
Some more packs, duels/gauntlets, skeleton keys. Why can't these be added to our Scrolls?

I do not PvP, but what is this and how do we obtain? Is it easy to reach the top prize? Is it worth spending crowns on if we do? And why does it include Participation Trophies? And why is a non-Beastmoon thing giving out Lunari

Apr 18, 2013
Right after posting, I noticed the HELP button shows all wrong information. It is a copy/paste of the regular Scroll.
So anyone reading the HELP will think points are earned by participating in Special Events like Deckathalon, Beastmoon, and Spiral Showcase.

Those Participation Trophies btw, the unlocked 23pt reward shows a reagent image, while the locked 208pt reward shows it as a housing item.

I suggest Participation Trophies be removed as a reward and replaced with anything else. And I request a value be added to the PT we already own.