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Chat Issue

Sep 12, 2010
Today while fighting the final boss of Lemuria, I used the phrase "I think Shadoe should be dead" and received one of those automatic warnings from the game system itself. I assume it is from the word "Shadoe" however this word does appear white in the chat log while typing it so there theoretically should be no consequence for using it. My friend also used that word and received the same automatic warning from the game.

Just wondering if anyone else has received this warning and if it is a possible new bug to the new words being added to the dictionary.


DanielTrollBlood on Dec 2, 2021 wrote:
Today while fighting the final boss of Lemuria, I used the phrase "I think Shadoe should be dead" and received one of those automatic warnings from the game system itself. I assume it is from the word "Shadoe" however this word does appear white in the chat log while typing it so there theoretically should be no consequence for using it. My friend also used that word and received the same automatic warning from the game.

Just wondering if anyone else has received this warning and if it is a possible new bug to the new words being added to the dictionary.

Thank you for the report, if you have any concerns about the report itself, you can contact Customer Support .

If anyone else has had this happen please let us know here, thank you!