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Your Questions and Tips for April 2021 KI Live

Dec 09, 2008
KI Live is next week! We're gathering all your questions and gameplay tips, so ask below and your post may be selected for the show!

Jan 18, 2010

The newly introduced Friendly Player Option allows players to assist each other more easily by seeing and working alongside on the same quests! Use this feature when you're in a snag or just looking for a questing buddy.

High levels, we should also use it too to assist other struggling players as well :)


Can we expect to see further update to existing spells? Such as animation and design?

Good Job with the Spring Update and thank-you for incorporating our feedback!

Apr 18, 2013

My birthday is in April and my question is if you will consider doing something special for our wizards birthdays (or the day one's account was created)? Maybe like a special birthday cake mount or a free pack or crowns.
I sure would like birthday crowns.


If you're looking for a group to do Beastmoon with and all your friends are already in it, send them a Chat Channel request. They'll be able to accept and communicate to tell you if they have room to add you and how much longer they will be.

Apr 24, 2021
Question: Can we get another event such as Lost Pages or The Five Boxes I really enjoy them. Maybe like a Arcanum themed one.

Tip: If you are max level the best places to farm skeleton keys are the four dungeons. Wooden:Kembaalung/Barkingham. Stone:Zigazag. Gold: Castle Darkmoor.

Dec 13, 2019
When trying to get the "perfect pet", concentrate first on raising the numbers for each stat all pets have; intellect, strength etc. Train your pet only to adult before hatching again with the same one you already hatched with. Once these are at maximum level, it will be easier to hatch in the talents you want and they will be at full strength. If you find a max stat pet with the talents you want and hatch your pet up to it's level, it will already have the talents you want hatched in and save a lot of disappointed wizards.

May 13, 2020
Tip: For questing as you go along as you will encounter many mob and boss battles have 2 decks made and ready for any scenario as this will save you lots of time from having to keep remaking the same deck over and over.

Question: Since you made the trainable spells that were tc only and the amulet to give balance prism will you make balance prism a learnable spell for balance wizards early lvl?

Nov 16, 2016
Question: What is the most gardened plant in the Spiral?

Feb 12, 2015
Question: Is it possible to get a deeper insight into the latest Critical/Block mechanics? They did not appear to be in Test Realm and their sudden implementation has drawn the confusion and, I confess, frustration of the playerbase. What exactly are these new mechanics and why were they inserted suddenly and untested?

Gameplay Tip: With the Spring Update, the basic mechanics for Damage and Resist calculation have been redone. They are no longer based on set limits, but rather functions that curve towards a theoretical limit. Look at Ratbeard's Dev Diary on the subject if you're looking for more specific details.

Jul 15, 2017
does anybody know how to do the polymorph krok quest I would appreciate it

Apr 16, 2020
Star Edward on Apr 23, 2021 wrote:

The newly introduced Friendly Player Option allows players to assist each other more easily by seeing and working alongside on the same quests! Use this feature when you're in a snag or just looking for a questing buddy.

High levels, we should also use it too to assist other struggling players as well :)


Can we expect to see further update to existing spells? Such as animation and design?

Good Job with the Spring Update and thank-you for incorporating our feedback!

The idea was right, the execution was terrible. PVE is a mess and pvp is still a disaster. Pvp cannot be fixed until more pve players decide to join, and since you match new players with old players with all the pvp gear it discourages from ever playing again. It is a catch 22. The idea of the business model is to attract new customers while not losing the existing ones. The vast majority just pve right now, pvp is almost empty and that is because you have not fixed its problems, update after update. Once we finish questing, the only incentive to stay playing should be pvp because there is no more questing to do, this is just common sense to me.

Jan 05, 2021
Good Afternoon. I have a friend who is low vision and uses Dragon Naturally Speaking to do most of his writing on the computer. He contacted Kingsisle support to see if Wizard101 could or had the capability for him to use his mic to type in the text box replies. They suggested that he contacted this forum to see if either someone know or that the gamer may look into adding this capability to the game in the future.

Thank You