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Jan 07, 2017
I am having trouble leveling its not that bad but it would be a lot more fun if I could level with someone.

level 45 Isaiah DeathHammer

Mar 13, 2014
Celestia can be somewhat of a wall for many players. Unfortunately the Kingsisle forum is not a good place to look for a quest buddy because the required moderation means you generally won't get a reply for at least a day, and longer than that on weekends because the moderators only work on weekdays. I recommend the forums at wizard101 central, home of the primary game wiki. The central forums are not moderated so you can get a reply in minutes or hours instead of days. The lack of required moderation isn't a big issue as most posters are quite helpful and you rarely see anything rude.

Another option is to just make friends with everyone you see in the zone you are working through. You will eventually run across someone who wants a quest buddy just as much as you do.

Jan 16, 2010
At level 45, if you are in Celestia, my recommendation is to do Grizzleheim, Ravenscar, Wintertusk, and the other areas and side quests you might have skipped. Wintertusk especially will help you level pretty fast. It gives a ton of experience and gives you access to better gear (the Wintertusk crafted gear, which is worth farming ingredients for). Level 45 is a tad bit low level for Celestia, in my opinion, so that could be why you're having a hard time. Once you, as a death, get Scarecrow, you're going to rock a lot of battles, so don't worry about that. Just worry about getting to level 48 to get the spell.

Dec 14, 2009
I'm currently leveling my death as well and went into celestia at around level 47. Pretty rough without crow, and also bosses can critical you back to krokotopia. I would definitely do Grizz and Wintertusk for some xp, when you get crow that'll be your main spell for most of the game.