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Pet Talents don't add up to my Damage Level

Jan 01, 2011
my base damage level is 1366 WITHOUT pet equipped. When I equip my pet which has 30 damage talents my damage level is 158. It should be 166. When I equip my other pet with 24 damage talents the level is 160. This doesn't make sense. The pet with 30 talents has a higher strength level than the other. I've have written KI . They say it's not a bug or glitch but a gameplay problem. I don't understand. It seems to me to be a simple matter of Math Please can someone explain why I went to so much time and effort to train my pet to increase my damage if they are not going to acknowledge it.

Sep 07, 2011
How are you getting 30? What talents, specifically, and what are the pet stats?

Natural damages can total 28 individually, but often round down a point collectively. A selfish can boost that.

If you are missing 8 points, it sounds like you have a whole talent that isn't counting. Is one of your damages on a jewel? Perhaps you've duplicated a talent?

Jul 26, 2012
It would be hard to know the exact problem without more details regarding specific stats and talents. Are there any set bonuses involved?

When your pet's stats are calculated to determine the outgoing damage an individual talent gives the number usually ends up being a decimal that gets rounded up or down to display as a whole number on the pet itself. However, to determine the total damage you get from the pet the individual decimal numbers are added together first before the entire sum is rounded up or down. This should usually only result in like a 1-2% difference though. 8% sounds too big a difference.

Sep 19, 2013
You shouldn't be off more than 1-2% due to rounding errors. Are you sure you're not using a pet with a set bonus? What about attempting to socket a talent your pet already has?