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Life wizard question

Jan 30, 2019
I've always enjoyed playing a healer and support in MMOs. As such, I decided to main Life. I've enjoyed playing it with my sister and have built my wizard as a healer and support and so I have made my deck primarily shields, traps (life), heals, and only a few attack cards for solo play.

I've just reached level 32 and have been running Mount Olympus to get my Zeus gear, and every party that I'm grouped with has been frustrated with me since I'm not multi-target attacking (I only have single target and basic attacks), mass trapping, and just healing / shielding everyone. As a low level life wizard, my options are limited as to how much I can do since I'm mostly spec'd for healing. Am I playing wrong? What should i be doing in groups to alleviate frustrations?

Jan 30, 2019
This was suppose to be posted into the "New Wizards Welcome" section of the message boards.. seeing as I'm new to this, I'm not sure how to delete this post, or how to move it. As such, I apologize for the confusion...

Dec 26, 2015
Sadly, in this meta, healing and shielding isn't mostly preferred since it revolves around high damage and most optimal speed.
You should: Only heal when you need to, not just to bring people to full health.

Also, usually low level, healing really isn't necessary unless you're duo / solo, because most people carry their own heals or the enemies just don't dish out enough damage to make it threatening.
If you plan on to play support healer, there's a few things you can do though.
Players generally want more damage, so focus on trapping / blading others, shields generally aren't that useful, since you can heal them back up anyway.
Learning the spell, "feint" (Death level 26 spell) should be a must on all classes, and it would help you and your team tremendously.
Learning elemental blades or elemental traps can also help if they're not Spiritual.
Though life might not have an early aoe other than side spells like Leaf Storm or Rat Spin, but you should always still attack if you can.
And I want to state something lastly, Life heals early game aren't that great, because since you don't obtain many power pips or have a lot of outgoing, spells like unicorn or sprite are generally a waste of time, because like I said, most players prefer to farm things fast.

Hope any of this information helps and good luck on being a support healer!

Sep 13, 2016
Well you can be a support, technically you could be a support death even though you would have really little spells to use but if they are frustrated that you are not attacking then you should attack, like get Nature's Wrath, Centaur and etc. Lots of life wizards play support and team up with storms so you can do whatever and if they are unhappy you can simply attack more.

Aug 16, 2014
I personally think it's their problem, I would love a healer in mount Olympus. If you REALLY want to change I suggest you swap out shields for some offensive stuff. Heals can keep a team on their feet alone. In my experience, there's usually two situations;

1. Tank
High level? You might not get a good heal off before he kills, but don't worry about that.

2. Lower group
In this case, they'll probably need the heals, whether they admit it or not.

Play it your way. I find it fun to try and hit with then shield, but that's just me

-Rogan Dunefinder + Morgrim StarBlossom

Noyakin on Jan 14, 2021 wrote:
This was suppose to be posted into the "New Wizards Welcome" section of the message boards.. seeing as I'm new to this, I'm not sure how to delete this post, or how to move it. As such, I apologize for the confusion...
Hi Noyakin! Apologies about moving it. We felt you would get more attention with a general gameplay question like this in the Ravenwood Commons discussion forums. I can see above that it worked :).

Jan 30, 2019
Sparck. on Jan 15, 2021 wrote:
Hi Noyakin! Apologies about moving it. We felt you would get more attention with a general gameplay question like this in the Ravenwood Commons discussion forums. I can see above that it worked :).
Agreed, thank you! I was concerned that it was my fault by posting in the wrong area and wanted to apologize in advance for the mistake.

Thanks everyone for your advice! I'll rearrange my deck and redo my training points so that I can better assist other players. I look forward to finding that balance between support, healing, and damaging spells. Overall, I'm not discouraged, I was just concerned that I was doing something wrong is all. I now realize that a completely dedicated healer role might not be the best idea and I now understand why players were a tad frustrated with how I was playing lol.

Jan 18, 2010
Noyakin on Jan 15, 2021 wrote:
Agreed, thank you! I was concerned that it was my fault by posting in the wrong area and wanted to apologize in advance for the mistake.

Thanks everyone for your advice! I'll rearrange my deck and redo my training points so that I can better assist other players. I look forward to finding that balance between support, healing, and damaging spells. Overall, I'm not discouraged, I was just concerned that I was doing something wrong is all. I now realize that a completely dedicated healer role might not be the best idea and I now understand why players were a tad frustrated with how I was playing lol.
I would also like to add;

Instead of rearrange your deck, try having multiple decks.

As a life, since you heal, support, defend and of course, dish out offense, it can be difficult packing all these spells into one deck.

So, I'd advise you have more than one deck; one focusing on support and healing and a separate one focused on attacking.

This will assist a lot.

Return here again should you have any further queries.