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Play on Chrome book?

Jul 19, 2009
I'm getting a new computer, my old one is crashing daily. My geek friends all say, "Get a chrome book!" Is anyone out there gaming on one? Is it as smooth as Windows? Can it be done.? Thank you!

Morgon Moonstone

Morgan Moonstone on Nov 25, 2020 wrote:
I'm getting a new computer, my old one is crashing daily. My geek friends all say, "Get a chrome book!" Is anyone out there gaming on one? Is it as smooth as Windows? Can it be done.? Thank you!

Morgon Moonstone
June 2024 update: We're excited to announce Chromebook support has arrived for Wizard101 NA servers! Check out the official download page to get it for your Chromebook today:


Sep 26, 2012
do not get a Chromebook. just do not. its not really a pc, its more like an app using phone turned into a laptop.

go to Walmart and buy a 300-400 pc or laptop (that is not a Chromebook). they work great for this game. i use a laptop i got a few years ago at walmart for 350. i can run more than one instance of the game on it so i can run two to four accounts at the same time and its fine. i generally just keep it at 2 at a time. my brain cannot select spells fast enough in the 30 seconds :p this game is very friendly on older and slower pcs. you do not need a top of the line gaming computer for it.

Aug 20, 2008
Your friends are obviously giving you "advice" without bothering to ask what you want to do with a laptop.

A chromebook is, for all intents and purposes, a souped-up Android tablet. If the games you like to play are Windows games, like Wizard101, then a chromebook won't cut the mustard and,. more to the point, won't install or play any Windows software to start with.

And, don't fall for some line that "You can hack Linux onto it and run WINE!". If you have "geek" friends then you need to force them acknowledge that you are not trying to "geek out", but to have a system that can dependably run your software. Why would you jump through a bunch of hoops to put an OS onto a device that it wasn't designed for, and then run an emulator on top of that which may or may not be compatible with your Windows games? Why not just buy a Windows laptop?

The problem with enthusiastic geek friends is that they're promoting an agenda based on their geek sensibilities instead of on practical sensibilities, and in fact, flying in the face of sensibility may even be part of their agenda. Just remember that the person who will be using that new computer every day will be you, not your geek friends.

Aug 18, 2014
Chromebooks cannot run Wizard101, since they cannot install programs and Wizard101 runs on a program (such as .exe files.)

...I recommend at least a laptop with a decent processing power and enough RAM to not crash while other programs are open. Personally, I'd say at least an i3 core.

Hope this helps

Mar 04, 2018
Morgan Moonstone on Nov 25, 2020 wrote:
I'm getting a new computer, my old one is crashing daily. My geek friends all say, "Get a chrome book!" Is anyone out there gaming on one? Is it as smooth as Windows? Can it be done.? Thank you!

Morgon Moonstone
I tried to download Wizard101 on my old chromebook, it said it wasn't compatible for that type of device, so I don't think trying to download it on a chromebook would work, but I think you could totally try to download it and see if it works. Just know that it might not work.
