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Wizard 101 Trading Bazaar Idea

Jul 29, 2012
Hello wizards!
Many people on the boards and throughout the game have mentioned an expansion of trading and a better system of transferring items. Aside from gifting, there really is no major system for trading between players.
My idea - A New building in the Commons (or Shopping District) similar in nature to the Housing Tours, but for trading. Now, many people have pointed out that this type of system could easily result in people getting ripped off or cheated. This is especially the case with crowns items, which form a large part of the trading demand. However, this can be avoided with a few simple rules governing the process.

People can only list a few items at a time, such as one gear item and one housing item. This item must be in their inventory, cannot be in use (either in a house or on their character) at the time of listing, and is greyed-out in their bag so it cannot be placed/equipped while listed. The wizard also will receive a warning saying that they are about to list item ____ before completing the action.

There are two ways the actual trading could function:

1. There could be a set list of tiers for each item. The tiers could be based on level and price of the items (with crowns items being their own tier). Therefore, people can only trade for items within the same tier level. Once someone has found a listing they wish to trade for, they submit their request with their own item to the wizard seller. The seller has a set time to respond and accept or decline the trade (similar to the popup with friend requests). To prevent spamming, one player cannot attempt to trade for the same exact item (or the same person) within a set time (perhaps an hour to a few hours).

2. Or, players when listing the item they wish to trade must set an exact item they are wishing to receive. For example, I received level 130 Ebony Pandamonium Boots and want to trade them for the Crimson Pandamonium Boots of the same level (since I am a Storm and have little use for the other set). While I used a specific trade as an example, the items to be accepted could be as vague or specific as each person wants. A wizard could only want one specific item in trade - Or, similar to the level limits in pvp, wizards could set broader definitions for what they were willing to accept (ie, I will accept Crimson Boots from levels 100-130 instead of just 130). Since the wizard has to set up their accepted trades at the time they add a listing, they would not even need to be online for the actual trade to take place. Using this method, the trading could also be expanded to other items like regnants. Once again, people can only trade for so many items within a certain time, so there would be no spamming.

In both cases, an additional safety measure could be removing the wizard's name from the traded item listing.

This system would keep trading fair for everyone with not much room for error. There could also be badges and fun items associated with trading, similar to team up, to encourage participation. Higher level wizards could therefore work toward rewards for trading gear they have no plans to use anyway (there are plenty of people who farm that feel bad about trashing gear that someone else could use - I know this has happened to me).

For KingsIsle's benefit, this would also not greatly reduce the amount of crowns gear in the marketplace, since a crowns item would likely only be traded for another crowns item.

Please share your thoughts and comments!
Morgan DragonRiver 130