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last deckathalon we had unlimited credits, why not keep that?

Jun 11, 2013
last deckathalon we had unlimited credits and everyone liked that. why couldn't we just keep that? I understand that it was because of an issue but not everyone can/wants to login everyday to do tasks. and plus its already hard enough to get runes to craft the gloves that a lot of people want without the credit restriction. I mean you could at least make it unlimited credits to members and 250 crowns for unlimited credits (I'm a crowns player.) I also get that you might want us to be strategic with how we use our credits but this game is far to RNG for strategy to be so prevalent. an example of this since this is myth would be, you shield or blade first round and the mobs blade the second guy and trap you. you blade or shield again trying to build up to your attack and they chain stun you. they then continue to attack nonstop as hard as they can until you die. That's happen a few times and other situations like that happen where you don't get the right card or your maycast pet does not trigger at the right time. again why not just give us unlimited credits.

Apr 18, 2013
I second this motion. Bring back unlimited credits.

Sep 18, 2009
I agree, bring back unlimited credits

Sep 07, 2011
I like the limits. It makes the leader-board reflective of skill, not sleep deprivation.

Apr 18, 2013
Gemma Luna on May 24, 2020 wrote:
I like the limits. It makes the leader-board reflective of skill, not sleep deprivation.
Thinking the deckathalon events are based solely on skill and not sleep depriving is a misnomer. The ones who fair best in this event are those who have more resources. Resources include several things -
- the level of the wizard
- how many wizards per account
- paying for runes and packs, etc.
- time

Let's go into detail.
The level of the wizard- My lvl 46 wizard has several handicaps that a max level will not experience. This includes:
- max gold being limited. Having more gold can be the difference in purchasing tc before others can, among other disadvantages.
- Jewels for max level wizards are superior. My wizards that do this event are level 46 and level 120. Neither are capable of equipping jewels exclusive to level 130 wizards.

How many wizards per account - This refers to how many wizards 1 account has that can actually do the event.
- 4 of my 6 wizards are level 4, thus none can enter an event unless they level up.
- It also includes the fact that some players have 7 or possible even 8 wizards on one account, all being lvl 10 or higher.
This leads into the next part - paying to play.

Paying for rune and packs, etc. - Also include with this, paying for an additional character slot. And crafting the best decks.
- Is it really skill if one pays to get those precious runes?
- It is just mere fact that whoever has the best deck, is your best guess at who is on top of the leaderboard.
- Basically, pay for a 7th wizard, and also get the elusive 8th wizard on 1 account and you'll just have more chances to farm, get runes, craft the better decks, etc.

Time -
- there are those that spent time farming runes from the previous deckathalons from last year. How does this help newcomers?
- there are those who have more time than others to do this event. Believe me when I say those on leaderboard are still somewhat sleep deprived. I barely have time for this and I stay up extra just to get a few runs in.

You want skill? I could have easily breached the top ten but am at a considerable disadvantage and especially knowing my best deck for this will not allow me to reach 8.3 on one run. Yes, my very first run on my lvl 120 wiz went from 1.1 'til 8.1 and his 2nd attempt started from stage 1 and defeated 8.1. I did the math and saw if I were to repeat this performance, I would not be able to overtake the top spot. I also did not have time to use all my credits (had 10 credits unused).

tc -
- Brandon tc cannot be attained unless that wizard has defeated neberyx/nodnarb. These tc are no trade.

- Again, time and gold hatching for the best maycast pets only help give the best shot at advancing each floor.
Let's not forget special maycast Kroger jewels that has to be bought to get.

Any one of these things mentioned most certainly helps progress the leader-board.

I likely left something out that will help those on the top leaderboard achieve their success (something that is not skill based). Feel free to add to this list if you know what I left out.

Sep 07, 2011
Obviously higher level and more resources make everything easier. That doesn't need to be said. Yet I was able to win a hamster on a level 25 char.

I stand by my previous comment. I like limited credits.

Endless grinding shouldn't be required for an event.

Apr 18, 2013
Gemma Luna on Jun 2, 2020 wrote:
Obviously higher level and more resources make everything easier. That doesn't need to be said. Yet I was able to win a hamster on a level 25 char.

I stand by my previous comment. I like limited credits.

Endless grinding shouldn't be required for an event.
Your previous comment said "It makes the leader-board reflective of skill, not sleep deprivation.".

And my comment showed there are many aspects that need to be factored in, in climbing up that leader-board. It clearly needs to be said and disproves any blanket statement.

Your comment was on 2 things.
1. Leader-board being solely skill-based.
2. That it's not a grind (aka not sleep deprived).

Your new comment changes to achieving the hamster pet. And btw, some may still consider it "grinding" to have to farm the deckathalon a few times (based on how much time one has to play). But this was not what I commented on.

Deckathalons present different goals for us. We can go for the pet, go for the boss, go for badges, go for runes, craft the best deck, craft the hands of fate, etc. So please keep all these things in mind when saying it is not a grind.

Many a player still get less sleep farming and grinding this event on multiple wizards for whatever reason. So maybe it is not a grind for you, but your goals might not be the same as someone else's.

Once again, what I said absolutely needed to be said. And you even agree that what I said is true. It might be obvious however some lose sight of why they advance up on that leaderboard. Do not mistake the top leaders for those with the most skill (whether they are or not). Believe me when I tell you, they had time to grind.

Congrats on your hamster.

Sep 07, 2011
"more reflective of skill, and less of sleep deprivation"

I was not intending it to be a blanket statement, just a short, simple one.

I like limited credits.

Dec 13, 2008
The developers Dont wants this they were Extra defensive on twitter and made it know that they dont want people doing this event 20 hours a day because they "care for our health" im honestly surprised they said this but they honestly need to up the credit limit to at least 5-6 because the way it is now theres no way to test a strategy you have to already know what you are doing i you want that pet or want to get to the 10th floor and fight the teacher

Aug 18, 2011
iouman2013 on Jun 18, 2020 wrote:
The developers Dont wants this they were Extra defensive on twitter and made it know that they dont want people doing this event 20 hours a day because they "care for our health" im honestly surprised they said this but they honestly need to up the credit limit to at least 5-6 because the way it is now theres no way to test a strategy you have to already know what you are doing i you want that pet or want to get to the 10th floor and fight the teacher
You can test on one char, and run for points on another, effectively giving you more credits.

3 per wiz per day is reasonable.