Loremaster Farming Is Exhausting and can be depressing to farm. Specialy for spesiphic treasure cards. You can farm for a whole day and not get anything. The drop ratings are very low and the farming can take a very long time that sometimes will cause players to give up and get upset. In my opinion I think loremaster farming should be easier and the game team should do something about it- like ruducing the drop rates. In adittion this is a problem many of us (players) have been dealing with for a few years and this is the time to discuss it.
I’ve done somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 lore master runs and have not gotten a single spell. All that time and only 2 pigsie tc. I gave up. It’s a ridiculous grind and not worth the time investment to me. As you say, getting a specific spell is just about impossible unless you enjoy spending months to years farming for it.
I don't bother farming Loremaster much, I just craft my spells. I'll take a few swings here and there but I don't do it for hours on end anymore. I've only ever gotten one spell from her though, Krampus during winter holiday.