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Animate- Death Spell

Sep 30, 2018
The spell animate does way too little for the cost of too much. An X-per pip summoning is by no means better than a 3-4 pip summoning. Most of the minions are equip with a useless ice taunt spell, that should be removed from all death minions, this serves no useful purpose and in most cases cause total conflict for the caster. Minions should be cut down from 14 to 5 providing lord night shade takes fifth place and so on. Each minion should have the ability to shield, blade, and weakness or mantle with 2-5 pip hits death depending on the rank of summoning. Remove school exclusive spells from death minions so death minions can effectively use death spells only to the benefit of its user. Just like ice, fire and balance can have the same should apply to life and storm minion. Minions are apart of max pvp and can be helpful in pve if adjusted properly.

May 15, 2009
honestly they should rework minions so that we control them as well, this would drastically improve their viability and make people want to add the cards to their deck.

Sep 19, 2013
Death wizard here. Yeah I hate that our X pip spell is so bad. The minions are way less effective per pip than other schools and losing all your pips is really painful. Like I know myth school gets better minions but there's no excuse for our minion to be this bad.

Jan 11, 2012
Here is a post I made almost 5 years ago about this very thing; here's the link, Death School needs a tweak