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How did the first world look like?

Nov 25, 2012
How did the first world look loke before it was destroyed? What creatures existed expect grandmother raven bartelby and spider? Did it have a unique look?

Mar 16, 2012
Star Gator on Feb 15, 2020 wrote:
How did the first world look loke before it was destroyed? What creatures existed expect grandmother raven bartelby and spider? Did it have a unique look?
It was possibly a flat world ( like Narnia ) or even a round planet; there were other creatures besides Raven, Bartleby or Spider. There were the Titans, Dragons and Giants. Their war was what split the first word to pieces.

Jun 14, 2010
I imagine it as a world that is in some ways very similar to Earth. Except with magic coursing throughout its entirety. A world full of Dragons, Giants, Tritons, and all manner if magical beings.